It has been awhile, sorry just been tad distracted

I have not written on this site for awhile , and, I apologize for the long pause.

Partly, Facebook has taken some of my focus away from this site , plus I think I have had remnants of my PTSD due to being beat up by the state for falsely accusing me of being impaired on my Adderall. This resulted in my participation in the PHP program for 5 years , and , was able to disprove that accusation per the attending psychiatrist.

Basically , I have been targeted by certain health powers due to my advocacy of Adult ADD from a family practice slant ever since I sold my 6 doctor practice 14 years ago and essentially being vulnerable as a solo family doc.

Six months ago ,I again had to deal with the politics of the medical world , when a parent, of an adult patient, filed a complaint against me. The patient was 35 years old. I never met or talked to the mother per patient’s request , observing patient -doctor confidentiality.

Fortunately, after the state did their due diligence by doing an investigation for 6 months , I received the news last week that the complaint was dismissed. So I am very appreciative of the outcome, but for 6 months , I must admit that I was apprehensive what the outcome would mean for my professional career.

So , I am hoping I can move on without too much distractions , but , life these days is a real challenge for most of us.

I never really had any major  problems with patients that I have taken care over 35 years, just with the health corporate power brokers.

Still ,paying the price for thinking outside the box  for treating patient’s mental health to improve their physical ailments.  Oh well, why should life be simple.

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